Available now from Viking
A warm, inventive, and multilayered novel about two families – one made up largely of scientists and the other of artists – whose worlds collide in pursuit of a lost daughter
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“[A] strikingly original take on science, uncertainty, and the longing for connection to others and to the world . . . Hall takes a risk with sprawling, dense passages, and pulls it off by majestically drawing together the various threads of this consistently moving and entirely unconventional narrative. It’s a stellar achievement.”
—Publishers Weekly (STARRED)
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- This man and musicWhen I was young, my father dutifully paid the family bills in a small enclosed porch opening off the bedroom he shared with my mother in our house in…
- Stone, paper, scissorsToday, June 14, is the official publication date for the paperback edition of The Stone Loves the World. Hooray! The design of the hardcover edition has been my favorite…
- PegasusMy mother never liked television, preferring to read mystery novels in her spare time. When, at the age of 77, she began to suffer dementia, she kept track of…
- EnoughWhile writing the previous post, 1976, I was aware that the clueless male sexism I was describing continued for many years afterward, and indeed, is still alive and kicking…
- 1976On September 3, 1976—the day Viking 2 touched down successfully on the surface of Mars—I bellied up to a registration table in a hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, to…
- Margot Livesey and I at Porter Square Books November 8I’m delighted to be getting together with an old friend, the wonderful novelist Margot Livesey, for a conversation about The Stone Loves the World at 7pm EST this coming…