
About Chatter

I’ve wanted for a while to have a place on my website where I could post random thoughts, but I’ve never gotten around to it because I overthink everything, especially my writing. My most recent novel, The Stone Loves the World, is partly based on my childhood and my family, and while writing it I went through every box in my deceased parents’ capacious attic and basement. I discovered a lot of things, and remembered a lot of other things, and some of it went into the novel and a lot of it didn’t. I’m sixty-one years old, and it’s gradually becoming clear to me that if there are things I want to do before I die, maybe I should start doing them now. Learning Korean is one (my wife is Korean-American), and posting aimless musings about my writing, my reading, my parents, and my childhood is another. Since I overthink everything, especially my writing, my wistful goal is to be relaxed and chatty with these postings. Hence the name.