Lauren Wilkinson and I at Buffalo Street Books, Ithaca, on June 10

Well, not physically there, but we’ll be crowdcast (crowdcasted? is it a verb?) at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time, having a conversation about The Stone Loves the World. Here’s a link to the event.

Lauren is the author of a way better first novel than I ever wrote, American Spy, which came out in 2019 from Random House.

It’s a literary thriller with an international political angle inspired by historical events; it’s also a smart and moving story about a family. I won’t say more because personally I don’t like to know much—or really anything—about novels before I read them, so I’ll extend the same courtesy.

I’ve never met Lauren in person, but she read The Saskiad when she was 14 and had the sort of intense experience that teen-aged readers can have when they come across a book that speaks to them. She kindly wrote a note to me about that, and I asked her if she was willing to do this Buffalo Street Books event with me, and she even more kindly said yes.

Lauren Wilkinson’s author photo by Niqui Carter

About Chatter

I’ve wanted for a while to have a place on my website where I could post random thoughts, but I’ve never gotten around to it because I overthink everything, especially my writing. My most recent novel, The Stone Loves the World, is partly based on my childhood and my family, and while writing it I went through every box in my deceased parents’ capacious attic and basement. I discovered a lot of things, and remembered a lot of other things, and some of it went into the novel and a lot of it didn’t. I’m sixty-one years old, and it’s gradually becoming clear to me that if there are things I want to do before I die, maybe I should start doing them now. Learning Korean is one (my wife is Korean-American), and posting aimless musings about my writing, my reading, my parents, and my childhood is another. Since I overthink everything, especially my writing, my wistful goal is to be relaxed and chatty with these postings. Hence the name.